Rock N Roll Herkimer Diamond Mine
Hi Everyone!
I have been working for two years on mining and renovating the farmhouse at Rock N Roll Mine.
Here’s an update about our jewelry !
All of the Herkimer Diamond Gem Stones that we use in any of our jewelry or sold as crystals here in our shop have been mined at our location in Middleville, New York in Herkimer County. These crystals are roughly 350 – 500 Million years in the making and were formed in sedimentary rock, from a long dead sea. Middleville New York is the home of the most brilliant , perfectly clear Herkimer Diamonds, and these are a ‘Single Origin’ stone that only occur in Herkimer County, to varying degrees of clarity and perfection. Herkimer Variation Quartz is sometimes ‘included’ with other minerals, mostly black anthraxolite carbon, hematite, iron, marcasite, and sometimes on rare ocassion other minerals such as goethite and limonite have been observed by experienced miners, with photographic evidence of the occurrence.
You can see episodes and live digs at you tube , by searching Rock N Roll Mine. Maybe you’ll see the video of the crystal in your pendant or ring being pulled from the vug it was formed in!
Thank you for your support!
-Sean Adam @seanadamrocks